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Geometric Decoration
Bart Eklund headshot

Bart Eklund, CIH

Senior Technical Expert, Chemistry

Bart partners with his clients to address their vapor intrusion (VI) and air quality challenges. He is an expert in the design and execution of VI studies and first evaluated VI at Hill Air Force Base in 1989. Since then, Bart has worked on more than 350 VI sites across the U.S., as well as sites in a dozen other countries.

For decades Bart has also worked with clients to measure, model, and control air emissions from area sources, such as contaminated groundwater, landfills, surface impoundments, and construction activities. He has developed measurement approaches for addressing fugitive emission sources and has performed numerous studies to characterize worker and community exposures. Bart was the lead investigator on many large, technically challenging air quality studies for the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as well as oil and gas and chemical companies.

Bart has authored approximately 20 journal articles, 30 U.S. government publications, and 50 peer-reviewed papers. He has served as a testifying expert in U.S. State and Federal Courts, as well as for permit hearings, enforcement actions, and international arbitration proceedings.   

  • Checkmark Air measurements (ambient air, indoor air, soil gas, emission flux)
  • Checkmark Air quality at remediation sites
  • Checkmark Emission modeling
  • Checkmark Fate and transport of VOCs
  • Checkmark Odor studies
  • Checkmark Vapor intrusion studies

“I advocate for my clients by using the best available science and following the data to where it leads us. If the data indicates there’s no problem, great – we demonstrate that and move on. If there is a problem, we work toward identifying strategies to fix it.”