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Geometric Decoration

Denny Lerch, P.E.

Senior Technical Expert

Denny sees his clients as partners, and he takes pride in his ability to help them understand how all the pieces of their environmental health & safety (EHS) programs fit together. His systemic approach looks at all facets of his clients’ EHS programs and considers their specific goals, values, and cultures, enabling him to develop solutions that benefit his clients’ businesses beyond the task at hand. With this comprehensive strategy, Denny builds trust with his clients and enables them to make informed decisions about their current and future operations.

During his more than 25-year career, Denny has helped a wide variety of industrial clients maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, develop sustainable EHS management systems, and evaluate strategies to mitigate operational risks.

  • Checkmark Air permitting and strategic compliance
  • Checkmark Compliance and program auditing
  • Checkmark EHS program development
  • Checkmark EHS regulatory compliance
  • Checkmark EHS strategy and management
  • Checkmark Mergers and acquisitions/transactional due diligence
  • Checkmark Risk management/business continuity planning
  • Checkmark Risk mitigation
  • Checkmark Solid and hazardous waste
  • Checkmark Water quality

“I enjoy working on complex and unusual client challenges that don’t have an easy fix. This typically involves significant coordination with the client to understand their goals. I then develop a solution that will work best for their culture and operations.”