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metal alloys manufacturer

Steel and Foundries

Manufacturer keeps operating during protected habitat remediation thanks to our permitting expertise

7 months

delay avoided by completing work outside bat mating season


  • A metal alloys producer had to clean up soil impacted by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on its property and on adjacent, separately owned wetlands containing protected wildlife habitat.
  • The cleanup — mandated by the New Jersey Industrial Site Recovery Act — involved obtaining state and local permits, coordinating with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and getting permission from the next-door site’s owner.
  • Haley & Aldrich streamlined this process, moving quickly to develop a good working relationship with the owner and an ecological consultant, as well as to secure permits and get approval for remedial plans in time for work to finish before bat mating season began.
  • Our team also coordinated with the client’s staff to safely avoid shutting the melt shop, even though it was near the remediation area.

For more information, contact:

Amy Murphy headshot
Amy K. Murphy

Senior Client Account Manager