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mining feasibility and operations

Base and precious metals

Our Lean and mining expertise helps integrate two mining projects


innovation opportunities uncovered


scenarios developed to show project execution at different budgets


  • Two mining companies established a joint venture involving projects located close together, but at different developmental stages. Haley & Aldrich’s Lean and mining experts helped integrate these projects into one viable operation.
  • We used Lean practices and team-building exercises to streamline processes and workers’ outlooks. Over a three-day workshop, we developed a project organization chart and confirmed a high-level, commitment-based schedule through feasibility.
  • Our clients left the process with 132 innovation opportunities for mining methods, processing and comminution, waste handling, infrastructure, and power — and a comprehensive list of the associated risks.

For more information, contact:

Bruce Wilkinson headshot
Bruce Wilkinson

Program Manager, Geology