Burlington, Mass., April 27, 2023 – Haley & Aldrich will have a strong presence at the upcoming 2023 Tennessee Environmental Network Show of the South (TENSOS), which will take place from May 10 to May 12. The conference focuses on environmental challenges and solutions, drawing hundreds of environmental and legal professionals from across the United States. This year, four of the firm’s environmental experts will speak on pressing environmental topics, including sustainability, innovative technologies, and risk management for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
This is Haley & Aldrich’s second year sponsoring, exhibiting, and speaking at TENSOS, which draws experts from local, state, and federal government and companies that span the energy, industrial and manufacturing, contaminated site management, and recycling markets.
Principal Consultant Dawn Santoianni and Technical Expert Scott Anderson both serve on the Steering Committee, which plans the conference and technical tracks. Anderson is also chairing the TENSOS Student Scholarship Program, for which college student finalists are selected to present their research in person and have the opportunity to win a scholarship.
Listed below are the Haley & Aldrich participants, along with their breakout session titles.
Wednesday, May 10
Principal Consultant Dawn Santoianni (steering committee and speaker), “Going beyond the phase I: environmental and social due diligence,” 3 p.m.
Thursday, May 11
Dawn Santoianni (moderator), “Next generation: role of advanced nuclear in decarbonizing energy,” 9:30 a.m., and “Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) career trends,” 11 a.m.
Principal Consultant Ben Chandler (speaker), “Advancing sustainability and resilience through innovation,” 2 p.m.
Senior Technical Specialist Gunjan Sikri (speaker), “Remediation and characterization tools to achieve site closure,” 2 p.m.
Friday, May 12
Principal Consultant Tiffany Thomas (speaker), “Trends in PFAS litigation and risk management strategy,” 11 a.m.
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- Education, healthcare, and cultural institutions
- Energy
- Environmental trusts
- Government infrastructure
- Industrial and manufacturing
- Mining
- Real estate developers
- Contaminated site management
- Coal combustion residuals management
- Emerging contaminants
- Environmental due diligence
- Environmental risk assessment
- Sediments
- Site characterization
- Vapor intrusion
- Remediation
- EHS compliance
- Air quality
- EHS strategy and management
- Natural resources
- Solid and hazardous waste
- Water quality
- Sustainability
- Geotechnical engineering
- Resilience
- Water resources
- Groundwater
- Stormwater
- Surface water