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Site characterization services

Our site characterization experts lead the industry in technical excellence and innovation.

Environmental site characterization is the crucial first step in addressing known or suspected contamination. It is analogous to diagnosing illnesses in medical professions — without a proper diagnosis, there can’t be an effective remedy. But the site characterization process can be costly and protracted. If you have already spent time and money characterizing your site, spending more money for contaminated site characterization may seem counterintuitive. But new understanding of the behavior of contaminants in the subsurface and new high-resolution site characterization technologies mean that taking a fresh look at your Conceptual Site Model (CSM) is often a very smart investment.

Haley & Aldrich’s environmental site characterization practitioners don’t approach site characterization as a one-size-fits-all activity. We customize our approach to align with the goals of our clients. Our site investigation services focus on quickly developing a better understanding of subsurface conditions, which is necessary to accurately define the risk posed to groundwater or vapor receptors. If active remediation is necessary due to site conditions, clear delineation of the source of the contamination allows us to develop the most cost-effective remediation approach based on modeling outputs and our expertise. At contaminated sites where environmental stewardship is needed, our updated CSMs typically lead to less expensive long-term monitoring.

Due to the intricate nature of the subsurface environment, most subsurface CSMs are inherently complex. Haley & Aldrich’s site characterization team specializes in developing clear two- and three-dimensional graphical depictions of the subsurface that convey key information digestible for all stakeholders, including remediation engineers, environmental regulators, investors, and business partners.

Talk to our service expert

Murray Einarson

Service Leader, Contaminated Site Management

Service highlights

  • Checkmark CSM development and data gap analysis
  • Checkmark Data visualization and CSM animations
  • Checkmark Environmental forensics and litigation support
  • Checkmark Evaluations of existing or potential impacts to receptors
  • Checkmark Expert laboratory data validation
  • Checkmark Geological analysis by stratigraphers and fractured rock specialists
  • Checkmark High-resolution site characterization (HRSC)
  • Checkmark Streamlined Superfund RI/FS workflows
  • Checkmark Evaluations
Engineer in white hard hat and yellow vest providing site characterization services

Nationally recognized experts leading the industry

We are nationally known for our extensive experience and expertise in HRSC. We also train environmental regulators and have authored guidance documents for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and industry groups. We participate in cutting-edge research on a wide range of topics including innovative site characterization technologies and remediation of emerging contaminants such as 1,4 dioxane and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). You can find our technical experts speaking at national environmental conferences and authoring technical papers in the top environmental engineering journals.

We tailor our site characterization services to the following markets:

Haley & Aldrich’s environmental remediation team is committed to delivering innovative site characterization services that yield decisive results as quickly as possible. Contact us to learn more.

Closeup view of environmental engineering consultant working on computer

Contact us for site characterization services